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  • Organization and mission
  • The birth of BADA
  • Background
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  • Organization and mission back to top

    Founded in Jan 2001, BADA is a California-Registered 501 (c3) not-for-profit tax-exempted public organization. Membership is open to the public and the elections are held every two years in January to elect the directors, the executive committee and the officers. Since its founding, BADA has been constantly advocating democracy and freedom to the people of Burma by spreading the awareness about the human rights situation in Burma.

    Slogan / Motto

    Advocating freedom for the people of Burma

    Our Vision:

    We are Burmese, Burmese American and American activists from the San Francisco Bay Area working towards Democracy and Human Rights in Burma. We firmly believe we the people from Burma living oversea and our supporters together can significantly contribute in bring democracy and freedom as well as reconstruction and rebuilding of Burma.

    Our Mission:

    The primary objective of BADA is to help bring democracy, freedom and prosperity to the (60 million) people of Burma through advocacy, awareness, partnerships and corporations. We therefore strive to be an exemplar and a beacon of hope to the fellow citizens of Burma who has been seeking democracy and freedom for decades. We work,     

    1. To highlight the social injustices and human rights abuses in Burma 
    2. To provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Burma
    3. To inform, educate and raise awareness of the social, political, and economic situation in Burma to the American people
    4. To promote culture, education, and social activities in the Community

    Office Location: 1952 Mcnair Street, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA; Tel: 650 321 5578
    Contact:   Main Phone Number: (415) 895-BADA
                    Email: badaonline@gmail.com


    Name Position Contact Email  
    U Nyunt Than Chair   nyuntthan@gmail.com  
    U Sein Tun President   arakanone@gmail.com  
    U Maung Maung Latt Vice President   lattmgmg@yahoo.com  
    Jen Low Vice President   jen@badasf.org  
    Anil Verma Secretary 510 485 3751     anilverma7@gmail.com  
    Naing Win Associate Secretary 408 702 0357     maynaingfu@gmail.com  
    Ozy Liu Treasurer   burmesepatriot@gmail.com  

    The birth of BADA back to top

    ANNOUNCEMENT January 7,2001 Reference: BADA/fac/#1

    To bring democracy and freedom to the people of Burma who are constantly struggling against the most repressive military regime, patriotic activists from San Francisco Bay Area have unanimously joined forces and formed an umbrella organization named "Burmese American Democratic Alliance" (BADA) on January 7,2001.

    BADA's central committee members will plan, steer, organize and coordinate various nonviolent activities to achieve its ultimate goal for the establishment of democratic process in Burma.

    Background back to top

    We are Burmese, Burmese American and American activists from the San Francisco Bay Area working towards Democracy and Human Rights in Burma. Our hearts go out to Burmese people who are suffering under the most repressive and brutal regime on earth. We have done numerous activities and efforts for Burma. We also realize the need to solidify our self so that we are stronger and more effective. With that in mind, in mid 2000, we started working towards forming an organization that somehow accommodate all the forces in this area. Over five months period, we have held three mass meetings and five working committee meetings. During our second mass meeting, we have voted that the structure of new organization be an umbrella organization that includes organizations and individuals as its members. Finally, on Jan 7, 2001, at our last mass meeting, Burmese American Democratic Alliance was formed. We have democratically voted our organization name as well as central committee members.

    Subsequently BADA was formally registered at the State of California as a public non-profit 501 (c3) organization. And also applied tax exemptions status form State of California as well as from Federal. The central eventually evolved into the Executive Committee and Board of Directors to seek formal status in the United States. BADA is currently lead by 15 members Board of directors and Executive committee that are elected every two years at the annual Meeting.

    Becoming a BADA member back to top

    BADA is a Non Profit Organization and has many individuals as its member. Membership is open to all and can be applied online within minutes. Please use this Online Membership Application form.

    Subscribe to badamember mailing list back to top

    To receive information about BADA and our activities, subscribe to badamember mailing list by sending an email to subscribe-bada